
Showing posts with the label Revelation 2

Who are the Angels in Revelation 2–3?

  There have been countless theories as to the identity of the angels to whom the letters in Revelation 2–3 appear to be addressed (2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14). These are the most commonly noted.     1.      A few have argued that the “angel” is the “pastor” of the church. Against this view are several points. First, it is contrary to the NT portrait of church structure. Nowhere in the NT is a single individual portrayed as exercising pastoral authority over a congregation. Rule by a plurality of elders is the standard NT perspective. Second, this view is historically anachronistic, for the existence of a single pastor/bishop was unknown until Ignatius (@ 110 a.d.). Third, the word “angel” is used some 60x in Revelation and always means a supernatural or spiritual being. Fourth, the word “angel” is nowhere else in the NT used to designate an ecclesiastical office. Fifth, we know from Acts 20 that the Ephesian church was ruled by a plurality of elders.     2.      Some suggest that the