Why do we long for revival?

Most earnest Christians deeply long to see and experience a spiritual revival. Many regularly pray for it. But ask a hundred such Christians to describe their longing and praying for. You’re likely to get dozens of different answers, depending on how their cultural backgrounds, church traditions, theological paradigms, and personal experiences have formed their concept of a revival. Some think of revivals primarily as large-scale historical events that result in many people converting to the Christian faith, leaving notable effects in the broader society (like the early chapters of Acts or the “Great Awakenings”). Some think of revivals primarily as when Christians in a local church or school experience renewed spiritual vitality and earnestness together. Some think of revivals primarily as strategically designed and scheduled events that aim to evangelize unbelievers and/or exhort believers to pursue a deeper life of personal holiness and Christian service (like Billy Graham’s evangel...