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Sceptics say: Jesus never existed

English: Illumination of Christ before Pilate Deutsch: Jesus vor Pilatus (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Contrary to recent atheist claims, Jesus did live. I will eat a page of my Bible if someone can find me just one full Professor of Ancient History , Classics, or New Testament in an accredited uni who thinks otherwise, writes John Dickson. There may be good reasons to give up on traditional Christian belief , but today's overreaching sceptics haven't yet stumbled onto them. Brian Morris, the director of Adelaide's sceptical society "Plain Reason", recently provided a case against Christianity that was neither plain nor reasonable. I don't just mean his pastiche of lines out of the atheist playbook - the barbarity of the crusades, the Inquisition, etc. As a longtime student of ancient history, my interest was piqued by his enthusiasm around an apparent "wave of contemporary historians" who "question the authenticity of Jesus", who reve