
Showing posts with the label Richard Sibbes

Yearning for more of Christ

English: Icon of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Author: Cripplegate. As Paul sits chained to a Roman soldier, waiting for his trial before Nero at which he would discover whether he would be released to minister freely or be executed at the hands of the Empire, he writes to the Philippians that he has an intense, yearning desire “to depart and be with Christ , for that is very much better” (Phil 1:23). Sadly, many professing Christians know little of such intense yearning. Many have become so distracted and enchanted by the allurements of this life that the idea of death and reunion with Christ is viewed as little more than an undesirable consolation prize for the failure to realize our worldly ambitions. Even in the pursuit of even good things, our hearts can grow cold to our Savior. The antidote for this—to learn to look upon the prospect of death with joy and anticipation, even as Paul did—is to stir up our hearts unto such a delight in what God has revealed that deat