
Showing posts with the label Robert Bruce


Image via Wikipedia Robert Bruce (1551-1631) is not a household name, even among knowledgeable Reformed Christians . He was at one time, however, one of the most important leaders in the Church of Scotland .  He was the successor of John Knox and James Lawson and preached at the Great Kirk of St. Giles in Edinburgh. St. Giles holds a prominent place in Reformation history, being the site where Knox preached his first sermon on the Reformation .  The Mystery of the Lord's Supper  (Christian Heritage) contains five sermons preached by Bruce at St. Giles in February and March of the year 1589. The Christian Heritage edition of these sermons is a reprint of the 1958 English translation of the work by Thomas F. Torrance (1913-2007). Torrance provides an introduction to the work, describing briefly Bruce's life and work.  Although helpful in terms of its biographical information, the introduction should be read with discernment since in it Torrance espouses the "Cal