How should Christians Vote on November 6th?
November 6th. These are materials that may guide your thoughts on the issues facing the country. This multitude of counselors will serve you as you consider how to faithfully participate in this year’s election. Wayne Grudem outlines 24 issues that we face in this election and breaks down the political and ideological stance of both parties on each issue. He also offers reasons Why Evangelicals Should Support Mitt Romney . John MacArthur has preached two landmark sermons regarding the moral (and not merely political) issues that are uniquely at stake in this election: Abortion and the Campaign for Immorality and Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality . (There is a summary version from the Grace To You Blog.) Pastor John also responds (video) to the question about whether it’s OK for Christians to vote for a Mormon . Norm Geisler asks and answers, “ Should an Evangelical Vote for a Mormon for President? ...