
Showing posts with the label Ronald Reagan

Expelled: Does our world view shape the way we see evidence?

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “ Expelled ” is a documentary where comedian/actor/presidential speech-writer Ben Stein makes the case that scientists are suppressing evidence that shows that life has an intelligent designer. While the movie is a few years old, the point it makes still stands: evolution is a theory with more problems than answers, chief of which is that it is too unclear to be helpful. Nevertheless, the scientific community is so defensive of evolution that any evidence to the contrary is simply not allowed to be heard. Instead, those that dare do research that support intelligent design ( ID ) are expelled from the academic community. The circular argument made by the scientific community and exposed by the movie is simple. ID is not science because no research backing it appears in peer-reviewed journals. Moreover, no scientist can do research pointing to ID or publish any articles defending it because it is not science. The circl

The Inerrancy of the Bible

Image via Wikipedia All Scripture is God -breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness ( 2 Timothy 3:16). In recent years a number of semi-conservative theologians have questioned whether we should hold to the doctrine of biblical inerrancy or infallibility. After all, they say, this quest for absolute certainty reflects a “Greek, Aristotelian mindset” that is not really compatible with the nature of “sheer faith.” They say that Christianity is a matter of “faith” and we don’t need “absolute certainty.” We notice immediately that such statements as these presuppose that faith is incompatible with certainty. That is, they presuppose to some degree the modern existentialistic view of faith, which sees faith as a “leap in the dark.” Still, we can imagine that God might have given us the information about redemption in another way. He might have simply provided us with a lot of human testimonies. The Gospels , for instance, might merely be