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The Secular Juggernaut by Roy Williams

This is an excerpt of the annual Smith Lecture, organised by the City Bible Forum and that it is named in honour of the late Rev Bruce Smith. This excerpt is reproduced here, with permission. You can read the full lecture, here . Let me begin with a personal confession. Not very many years ago, it would have been quite inconceivable to me that, one day, I’d be extolling the greatness of Christianity – let alone be invited to give a public lecture on the subject. For the first 35 years of my life, when it came to religion, I was a disengaged agnostic – drifting towards atheism. I cannot stress enough why this was so. It was not because I’d had some bad experience within a church. It was certainly not because I had ever given careful thought to the question of God’s existence, and then rejected the notion as improbable. Rather, it was because, not having been raised in a religious home, and having attended exclusively state schools, I knew next to nothing about Christianity – or any