
Showing posts with the label Salome

John the Baptist suffered from doing good.

Masolino - Banquet of Herod - WGA14245 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew 14:1–12 “He sent and had John beheaded in the prison, and his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother” ( vv. 10–11 ). Because He is unwilling to make His ministry into a sideshow that performs wonders for those who will always find a reason to deny Him, Jesus does not do many miracles in Nazareth ( Matt.13:58 ; see 12:38–42 ). Still, the acclaim from our Lord’s earlier works spreads throughout Galilee and reaches the tetrarch Herod, otherwise known as Herod Antipas , who rules the region ( 14:1 ). Herod Antipas was a son of Herod the Great, the king who attempted to kill Jesus shortly after His birth ( 2:16–18 ). Upon hearing of our Lord’s ministry, Antipas suggests that this Jesus is none other than John the Baptist , back from the dead ( 14:2 ). This gives Matthew an opportunity to bring us up to date on John’s situation, especially since Herod Antipas ind

Why did John the Baptist die the way he did?

Salome With the Head of John the Baptist, by Caravaggio, c. 1607 (National Gallery, London). (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Herod Antipas smiled and nodded with approval. His step-daughter Salome * swayed and twirled in front of him and his birthday-party guests, her graceful figure filling them with longing. Her performance done, Herod and the guests applauded. What a dance! Inflamed by his senses and the mood of the moment, Herod cried, "Ask me what you want--up to half my kingdom--and it is yours!" And he swore a great oath to confirm his promise. As a Tetrarch (ruler of one quarter of a Roman province ) Herod was more than able to provide a handsome gift even by first century standards. Would Salome ask for a jeweled necklace? A dowry? A house? Herod and the guests waited to hear her request. The girl herself hesitated. Uncertain what to ask for, she whispered with her mother. Down in the dungeons of Herod's fortress (named Machaerus ) a man's fate was about to

Why do God's ministers suffer ill for doing well?

Lucas Cranach d. Ä. 015 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew 14:1-12 "He sent and had John beheaded in the prison, and his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother" ( vv. 10-11 ). Because He is unwilling to make His ministry into a sideshow that performs wonders for those who will always find a reason to deny Him, Jesus does not do many miracles in Nazareth ( Matt. 13:58 ; see 12:38-42 ). Still, the acclaim from our Lord's earlier works spreads throughout Galilee and reaches the tetrarch Herod, otherwise known as Herod Antipas , who rules the region ( 14:1 ). Herod Antipas was a son of Herod the Great, the king who attempted to kill Jesus shortly after His birth ( 2:16-18 ). Upon hearing of our Lord's ministry, Antipas suggests that this Jesus is none other than John the Baptist , back from the dead ( 14:2 ). This gives Matthew an opportunity to bring us up to date on John's situation, especially since Herod Anti

Red Letter Day

Image via Wikipedia Yesterday, was a great day as we completed our series:  Red Letter Day  and prepared our hearts for celebrating Easter this coming weekend. Pastor Chris Kahnt encouraged us to be considerate of others, regardless of what trials we have.    “When Jesus therefore saw His mother , and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son!’''  John 19:26 No matter what trials we have, it is still possible to be concerned for others’ needs . As the time for Jesus’ death grew closer, His mother’s well–being was on His heart and mind. Here the object of Jesus’ focus shifted to a small group of five friends at the foot of His cross.  And out of this sympathetic band, which included the disciple John, Salome (John’s mother), Mary the wife of Clopas , and Mary Magdalene , Christ ’s attention drew especially toward His mother. Mary, the mother of our Lord, was perhaps the neediest person of any in that cluster that stood be