
Showing posts with the label Same-sex marriage in New York

10,000 Anti-gay marriage rally

Image via Wikipedia On Sunday the people of New York laid down a marker: Politicians cannot sell out their base, sell out their principles, lie to their people, and pass a law which is a lie about human nature, without consequences. Votes have consequences. Thousands of New Yorkers turned out on a very hot Sunday, with a threat of thunderstorms, to make the message clear. We estimated 10,000 people across the five cities that had rallies. I was in Albany and Maggie was in Manhattan, along with Sen. Rev Rubén Díaz and a number of local pastors organized by (evangelical) Bishop Joe Mattera. The Associated Press  said there were  "thousands." And even a  Wall Street Journal  editor who is deeply skeptical of our capacity to get a marriage amendment through the legislature to the people  had to admit : "We happened to run into the group's New York City march yesterday as it crossed Second Avenue, and the turnout was impressive. It was the biggest demonstrati