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Stan's two "I will"

“I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” ( Isaiah 14:14 ) These are two of the “I will’s” of Satan—or Lucifer—as he aspired to usurp the throne of God as ruler of the universe (see Isaiah 14:12-15 ; Ezekiel 28:11-17 ). Not content to be “the anointed cherub,” the highest of the angelic hierarchy ( Ezekiel 28:14 ), he wanted to be God, and this monstrous pride became “the condemnation of the devil” ( 1 Timothy 3:6 ), so that he is now “fallen from heaven” and will soon be “brought down to hell” ( Isaiah 14:12 , 15). Lucifer, of course, is not the Creator, for he was “created” ( Ezekiel 28:15 ) himself. It would seem therefore that for him to rationalize his ambition to be like the most High, he must somehow persuade himself that he is like the most High—that is, that God is a created being like himself, and thus can be defeated. He only had God’s word that he had been created by Him, and he evidently chose not to believe what God said (just as