
Showing posts with the label Scientific method

Philip Adams is an atheist with faith in the scientific method

The global warming icon for the ubx. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) If your belief system is not founded in an objective reality, you should not be making decisions that affect other people. — Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) September 15, 2014 "I am an atheist with faith in the scientific method" Weekend Australian magazine. Personally I don't have enough faith to believe in atheism, but that's another story. One result of our culture’s post-modernism is its entirely modern love affair with its own view of science. Once-upon-a-time, the word science referred to the scientific process : verifiable propositions, experimental procedures, and reproducible observations. And today? Science may still mean that in the dictionary , but in popular culture? Not so much. Instead, the concept of science stands in for anti-supernaturalism with a political agenda—which I assume has probably always been the case to some extent. But today’s science seems marked by a very unscienti

God conceals and wants us to search out at times

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” ( Proverbs 25:2 ) Education is sometimes claimed to be a “search for truth,” and scientists in particular take pride in their “research.” No doubt the scientific method has led to many useful discoveries and inventions, and rulers often have sponsored “government research” for their own ends. Furthermore, God’s primeval “ dominion mandate ” ( Genesis 1:26-28 ) in effect ordains the conduct of beneficial research. At the same time, there are some things that are far beyond the research capabilities of human investigations. Yet they are understandable to the believing heart because these unsearchable things are near to the heart of God, who made us in His image. “I would seek unto God,” Job said, “and unto God would I commit my cause: Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number” ( Job 5:8-9 ). “ Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatn