
Showing posts with the label Seth

How to score: Noah Movie

So what about Noah ? Is it worth your time and money to see it? The answer to that question depends entirely upon what you think is worthwhile. There are at least three criteria by which I make such judgments: execution, story, and fidelity. By execution, I refer mainly to the technical aspects of the film. Was it made well? In terms of production value, Noah is not in the same category as B- movie -Bible-epic-would-be thrillers. In other words, Noah is a little less Left Behind and a little morePassion of the Christ . The cast, cinematography, special effects , acting, etc. are all state of the art. It is a bone fide Hollywood feature. We don’t often get to see biblical material depicted with such a high level of cinematic execution. That by itself makes this film more than a curiosity. On that level, this movie stands out as one of the best of its genre. And that alone draws me to the movie in spite of its weaknesses in other areas. Grade : A+ By story, I refer to the plot and ch

Who were the Nephilim?

Revelations (Fields of the Nephilim album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Oil painting of a young John Calvin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) GENESIS 6:3 –4  “Then the LORD said, ‘My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years’ ” In Genesis 5 , the piety of some in Seth ’s line alludes to what will become clearer in later portions of Scripture, namely, that his family, not Cain’s, will be the one through which the Lord bruises the head of the serpent (3:15). Yet though men like Enoch (5:21–24) and Lamech (vv. 28–31) were faithful, Genesis 6:1–2 tells us not every descendant of Seth kept the covenant entirely. Physical attraction alone motivated many in his line to marry godless Cainites . This is a warning for us to seek God first in all of our relationships. We too can fall into idolatry if, as John Calvin comments, “those things which are chief are not taken into the account.” Moses describes the offspring of these forbidden marriages in today