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Pastors must have thick skin and thin skin

English: Sunday school area within Christ Church, Gosport (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In the pastorate you have to master the seemingly impossible art of having, at the same time, thick and thin skin . How can you possibly pull off such a feat? And why would such a chameleon-like skill even be desirable? First, why do you need thick skin ? In a word, as pastor you will receive your fair share of criticism . The lion’s share of criticism should be placed into the “ignore this stuff” category. People often complain about the silliest things: the time of the worship service , how frequently the church holds activities, the types of illustrations you use in your sermons, the fact that you pick the same hymn too frequently, the color of your tie, or the kind of beverage you drink (for the record, I’ve personally had all of these complaints). I have to say with great glee, that I simply smile, note the complaint, and then move on. I let the words flow off my back like water off a duc