
Showing posts with the label Slavery in antiquity

What is the Lord's Supper?

Luke 22:14–23 “He took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me’” (v. 19). Human beings have a tendency to sacralize time and space. In other words, there is something within us that seeks to commemorate and set apart certain places and dates that have been important in our lives. We build monuments in areas where battles were fought that changed the course of a nation’s destiny. Days are marked on the calendar to celebrate the birth of a country and even our own entrance into the world. We are driven by an almost insatiable desire to remember the past, and we associate special memories and feelings with places and dates. The sacralizing of time and space is approved by the Lord, at least when it comes to the landmark events of redemptive history. God commanded the celebration of the Passover to recall and proclaim His great redemption of the Israelites from Egyptian slav

Christ in Exodus

Exodus is a book of redemption. God’s freeing his people from Egyptian slavery is a picture of Christ ’s delivering sinners from their sin and its consequences.  Christ was with Israel as the rock that followed them through their journey from slavery to the promised land ( 1 Cor. 10:4; Exod. 17:6).  The Passover lambs are a picture of Christ’s death for sinners (John 1:36; 19:36) and his providing access to God. Related articles The prophetic message of the Passover ( The Court Of The Tabernacle (Exodus 27) ( 40 Years with a Friend of God? ( Be Thankful ( 'Let my son go!' ( The Passover ( Curtains, Boards, Sockets, And Veils (Exodus 26) ( Word of Grace Teaching - Skills for Success ( The Importance of Context in the Conquest of Canaan (The St