
Showing posts with the label Sleight of hand

How could the world create itself?

Rare Cabbit - cat rabbit (Photo credit: @Doug88888 ) The heart of magic is misdirection. Sure, there are specially made tools of the trade. There is well-trained prestidigitation . There are moments of art and flourish. The magic, however, is to get the audience to look one direction while you do something decidedly ordinary in plain sight. That's how we start with an empty hat, and end up with a fluffy bunny. It is much the same in all manner of intellectual magic. If we can get our intellectual opponents to overlook the fact that we are bringing something out of nothing, we can wow them all the way to the bank. Consider first naturalistic science. Here we begin with one of two hats , both of them black. Some will say that all of reality was compressed into a point of singularity that existed from all eternity. Did you see what they did there? They explain the creation of the universe by presupposing the existence of the universe. We ask, "If you deny that God made e