
Showing posts with the label Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Al Mohler says 1960 sex revolution has made people slaves of lust today

English: Al Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Dr. Albert Mohler is president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. , and one of the most prominent intellectual leaders of evangelicalism today. Dr. Mohler offers biblical commentary on the issues of our day on the website and in his daily podcast The Briefing . Here's a preview of what Dr. Mohler will be addressing next month at our 2014 West Coast Conference . Sexual Devolution The sexual revolution of the 1960s has been portrayed as a time of sexual liberation . In reality, this wholesale embrace of moral relativism resulted in a culture that is enslaved to its sexual lusts. Like all revolutions, it has left destruction in its wake. In this session, Dr. Albert Mohler will examine some of the consequences of the sexual revolution, including rampant divorce and the destruction of families, gender confusion, acceptance of homosexuali

Holy Hell Rob Bell

Image via Wikipedia Albert Molher: author The edition of  TIME  magazine timed for Easter Week features a cover story on the controversy over Rob Bell and his new book,  Love Wins . Interestingly, the essay is written by none other than Jon Meacham , the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and former editor of  Newsweek  – TIME ’s historic competitor. Meacham, who studied theology as an undergraduate at the University of the South , helpfully places Rob Bell in the larger context of modern theology, even as he offers a basically sympathetic analysis. Meacham explains: The standard Christian view of salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is summed up in the Gospel of John , which promises “eternal life” to “whosoever believeth in Him.” Traditionally, the key is the acknowledgment that Jesus is the Son of God , who, in the words of the ancient creed, “for us and for our salvation came down from heaven … and was made man.” In the Evangelical ethos, one either accep