
Showing posts with the label Spurgeon

Burying the Gospel under Trash

I love Spurgeon. No one says it like he does. I’ve been working on my sermon for Sunday and in preparation just finished reading Spurgeon’s sermon on 2 Cor. 5:14 titled “Under Constraint.” In one section, he confronts the indifference that some Christians display toward false teachers and their error. I think Spurgeon’s intensity reflects that of the apostle Paul. This is a relevant word today, and we need to hear this: He who does not hate the false does not love the true; and he to whom it is all the same whether it be God’s word or man’s, is himself unrenewed at heart. Oh, if some of you were like your fathers you would not have tolerated in this age the wagon loads of trash under which the gospel has been of late buried by ministers of your own choosing.  You would have hurled out of your pulpits the men who are enemies to the fundamental doctrines of your churches, and yet are crafty enough to become your pastors and undermine the faith of a fickle and superficial generation. Thes

What is the eternal destiny of infants who die?

Gehazi attempts to awaken the son of the Sunammite woman with the staff of Elisha (2 Kings 4.29-31), engraving by Bernhard Rode before 1780. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) What is the eternal destiny of infants who die before reaching a condition of accountability? Spurgeon used it as his text when he preached a sermon entitled, “Infant Salvation.” The verse is 2 Kings 4:26: “Is it well with the child?” And she answered, “It is well.” Spurgeon explains the context of this verse:  This good Shunammite was asked by Gehazi , whether it was well with herself. She was mourning over a lost child, and yet she said, “It is well;” she felt that the trial would surely be blessed. “Is it well with thy husband?” He was old and stricken in years, and was ripening for death , yet she said, “ Yes , it is well.” Then came the question about her child, it was dead at home, and the enquiry would renew her griefs, “Is it well with the child?” Yet she said, “It is well,” perhaps so answering because

Once saved or preserving grace?

Charles Spurgeon (C.H. Spurgeon) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Charles Spurgeon affirmed the doctrine of the preserving grace of God , sometimes known as the perseverance of the saints. This biblical truth teaches that no believers in Christ will ever fall from grace, for God upholds their faith. Spurgeon affirmed, "I think few doctrines more vital than that of the perseverance of the saints, for if ever one child of God did perish, or if I knew it were possible that one could, I should conclude at once that I must, and I suppose each of you would do the same." Spurgeon saw the preserving grace of God as a primary component of the gospel. The truth of preserving grace, Spurgeon testified, was the enticing bait that drew him to Christ. Before he was saved, Spurgeon observed others who appeared to fall away from their profession. These apparent examples of apostasy made him hesitant to commit his life to Christ. He said: "Whatever good resolutions I might make, the pos