
Showing posts with the label Starbucks

Starbucks is bucking Christmas?

Author: Cripplegate. Facebook has been abuzz lately with angry reactions to Starbuck’s holiday cup design. In case you’ve missed the controversy , in years past, Starbuck’s festive cups have featured vibrant images of reindeer, snowflakes, Christmas trees, and the like. But this year, the cup is just plain red. Some concerned folks, particularly in Christian circles, have insisted the lack of Christmas-themed doodles represents a war on Christmas. So is Starbucks playing Scrooge? Or are the naysayers overreacting? I think the hubbub created over this current controversy warrants a response. Here are three thoughts in response to hullaballoo over the red Starbucks holiday coffee cup. 1. The true meaning of Christmas is not found in pictures of reindeer, snowflakes, Christmas trees, etc. Consequently, to remove those kinds of pictures does not constitute a war on Christmas. To accuse Starbucks of starting a war on Christmas implies that, in years past, their cups have actually pro

Are you worshiping the idol of options?

English: ELIYAH VISITS KING AHAB AND THE BA'AL PROPHETS 1 MELAKIM 21 KINGS (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The false god of limitless choices, like those at a coffee shops, is enslaving Christians. Would you prefer to make an ironclad, no-turning-back choice, or one you could back out of if need be?  Do you ever find that you're afraid to commit? Do you reply to party invitations with a ''maybe'' rather than a ''yes'' or ''no''? Do you like to keep your smartphone switched on at all times, even in meetings, so that you are never fully present at any given moment? Will you focus on the person you're talking to after a church service, or will you look over her shoulder for a better conversation partner? If so, you may be worshiping the god of open options 1 Kings 18:21 describes a crucial moment of decision. It's the final showdown between the God of Israel and a false god called Baal. Elijah calls God 's people to c

Why people don't go to church today?

Cathedral Cathédrale Strasbourg (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) View of GGWO Sunday morning church service from the AV/IT/WEB studio. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Church service (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Most people don’t go to church anymore. And the minority who do regularly attend and appreciate weekly services fit a certain profile. They’re the church- inclined . This shrinking minority differs from the majority in several ways: Audience-Oriented. They appreciate a good presentation from the stage. They prefer to passively listen while the paid professionals on the stage do the work. Similar to theater-goers, they may judge the “performance” based on how well they are entertained or engaged. Anonymous. They often seek anonymity. They like being part of a faceless crowd. They don’t necessarily want to be noticed—or known. They appreciate churches that keep the spotlight on the performers on stage, that allow the audience to sit quietly in the dark, so to speak. Authority-Centered.