
Showing posts with the label Stephen C. Meyer

Question and Answer from Ligonier Conference Speakers

Question & Answers Ligonier Conference Michael Horton , Stephen Meyer ,  R.C.  Sproul,  R.C.  Sproul Jr. and Del Tackett answer questions regarding the Christian mind, science, old and new earth, and more. Video Outline: 0:00-04:32   Does teaching a variety of scientific theories hinder students? 04:47-09:46  Can you explain the difference between presuppositional and classical apologetics ? 09:50-11:39  How do we explain why classical apologetics is not equated with rationalism? 11:56-25:22  Do you have any suggestions for Christians who attend a secular college or university in regards to ways of avoiding indoctrination? 25:49-32:14  The state of education of children has deteriorated in terms of a biblical worldview. Where do we go from here in the family and in the church? 32:24-36:43  What can the local church do to come alongside of families and equip them, to repair the ruins of education? 36:45-41:53  Does the expression “doctrine divides” come out