
Showing posts with the label Stephen Nichols

Augustine gets saved but how did it happen?

Saint Augustine of Hippo, a seminal thinker on the concept of just war (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) While he had been sitting under the Gospel preaching of Ambrose of Milan , Augustine of Hippo had the occasion to hear of the testimonies of the rhetorician  Victorinus  and of Anthony  and the Egyptian monks—schooled philosophers whom Augustine held in high esteem, men who had come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit by the Scriptures and were humbled to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ . At this point he could bear the convictions of his own soul no longer. He confronted his dear friend Alypius and spoke of the inner turmoil he was experiencing. Within the house of my spirit the violent conflict raged on, the quarrel with my soul that I had so powerfully provoked in our secret dwelling, my heart, and at the height of it I rushed to Alypius with my mental anguish plain upon my face. “What is happening to us?” I exclaimed. “What does this mean? What did you make of it?

Bible Q & A with Ligonier Ministry

Voddie Baucham, Stephen Nichols ,   R.C.   Sproul,   R.C.   Sproul Jr., and Derek Thomas were asked the following questions: Athanasius confronted the issue of the deity of Christ . What is the strongest enemy the church faces today? (00:10) If God wants us to spend all eternity with Him, why didn’t He just put us with Him from the beginning? (08:43) How do we deal with knowing some of our loved ones may be headed to perdition? (11:29) Since we are chosen before the foundation of the world, how does God view us before we are born again? (15:30) Dr. Baucham, you said that you had overcome numerous struggles as a married adult man due to not having your father around when younger. I can relate. Can you talk about this a bit? (16:42) I am trying to reconcile the death of my son. How do I deal with my anger against God experienced as I am in this dark time? (20:08) Since God is slow to anger and patient, why, when man first sinned, was His wrath and punishment so severe? (23