
Showing posts with the label Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Can our spiritual growth be like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde poster. Converted losslessly from .tif to .png by uploader. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) I do not understand what I do. for what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do  ( Romans  7:15). Romans  12 is Paul’s exhortation to  spiritual growth . As we consider the development of  Christian  character, we need to be clear about one fundamental matter from the beginning— spiritual growth  is a struggle. Some evangelists promise an easy ride in  Christianity ; but it is not. Let us briefly consider some of the enemies of  Christian  growth. One is the world itself. Because of our  sin , God’s world is at enmity with us and grows “thorns and thistles” to make life hard for us. Thus, in a sense, the very physical creation poses obstacles to our  personal development . The primary enemies we face in the struggle for spiritual growth, however, are persons: other people, ourselves, and the demonic host. How often have our lives been damag

What is the greatest enemy of our spiritual growth?

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) I do not understand what I do. for what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do ( Romans 7:15). Romans 12 is Paul’s exhortation to spiritual growth . As we consider the development of Christian character, we need to be clear about one fundamental matter from the beginning— spiritual growth is a struggle. Some evangelists promise an easy ride in Christianity ; but it is not. Let us briefly consider some of the enemies of Christian growth. One is the world itself. Because of our sin , God’s world is at enmity with us and grows “thorns and thistles” to make life hard for us. Thus, in a sense, the very physical creation poses obstacles to our personal development . The primary enemies we face in the struggle for spiritual growth, however, are persons: other people, ourselves, and the demonic host. How often have our lives been damaged by the hostility of other people! As we grow in grace we are