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College Student using technology

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Demanding Grace?

RC Sproul on confusing grace and justice. My favorite illustration of how callous we have become with respect to the mercy, love, and grace of God comes from the second year of my teaching career, when I was given the assignment of teaching two hundred and fifty college freshman an introductory course on the Old Testament . On the first day of the class, I gave the students a syllabus and I said: "You have to write three short term papers , five pages each. The first one is due September 30 when you come to class, the second one October 30, and the third one November 30. Make sure that you have them done by the due date, because if you don't, unless you are physically confined to the infirmary or in the hospital, or unless there is a death in the immediate family, you will get an F on that assignment. Does everybody understand that?" They all said, "Yes." On September 30, two hundred and twenty-five of my students came in with their term papers. There were t

Pursuing God

Image via Wikipedia Albert Einstein was once asked by a student , “Dr. Einstein, how many feet are there in a mile?” To the utter astonishment of the student, Einstein replied, “I don’t know.” The student was sure the great professor was joking. Surely Einstein would know a simple fact that every schoolchild is required to memorize. But Einstein wasn’t joking.  When the student pressed for an explanation of this gap in Einstein’s knowledge, he declared, “I make it a rule not to clutter my mind with simple information that I can find in a book in five minutes.” Einstein was not interested in trivial data.  His passion was to explore the deep things of the universe. His passion for mathematical and physical truth made him a pivotal fixture in modern world history. We are called to similar passion, a passion to know God .  A thirst for the knowledge of God should drive us to drink deeply at the fountain of Scripture. We are equipped with more than enough unholy passions.

Church life requires: Character, Competency, and Chemistry.

Clarity Evangelist: What would you say is the single biggest challenge in hiring a key staff person? William: Getting chemistry right. I’m sure most of your readers have heard the big three factors in hiring, the “three c’s”: Character, Competency, and Chemistry. Those certainly hold true as the top three checkboxes to mark off when looking at a candidate. Most of our clients in executive search are really smart churches . So the candidates we bring in are usually top drawer in character and competency.   But chemistry ends up being the deal-maker or deal-breaker. Justin: Chemistry almost always ends up being the variable that has to be watched the closest. It’s the cause of more bad hires, and the reason for more good hires, than anything I see. Clarity Evangelist: What can churches do to get the chemistry piece right? William: As Socrates said, “ Know thyself .” Good hiring begins with a thorough understanding of the church culture. We end up spending a large portion of our time