
Showing posts with the label Supreme court

Evicting Churches from New York Schools

Image via Wikipedia Here's what you can do in a New York City public school after hours: You may gather people together once a week (or more often). You can start off with praise choruses and Bible reading. Someone can stand up and teach that Jesus is Lord , that he rose from the dead to save us from sin, and that he is coming again. Then you can break bread and pray together. Here's what you can't do in a New York City public school after hours: Hold a "religious worship service ." Got it? To the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals , the distinction is clear. "A worship service is an act of organized religion that consecrates the place in which it is performed, making it a church," the court ruled last June. And if New York City's Department of Education wants to bar "religious worship services," it can do so without violating the Constitution, the court said. But as Park Slope Presbyterian Church senior pastor Matt Brown told The

The Righteous Judge

Image via Wikipedia "That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" ( Genesis 18:25 )   People often make erroneous judgments. Even those who are officially appointed or elected to judge others are sometimes mistaken, and so we have a whole system of appeals courts. Yet even the Supreme Court , composed as it is of fallible human beings, often seems to be wrong. But, as Abraham recognized long ago while interceding for the people in Sodom, we can be confident that the Judge of all the earth will do right!   He not only can judge our actions in relation to His revealed will, but can also discern thoughts and motives and, therefore, "judge the secrets of men" ( Romans 2:16 ), and He will do so in absolute rightness. Furthermore, "he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained;