
Showing posts with the label Swiss German

Zwingli called Christ- 'Our Captain'

Portrait of Ulrich Zwingli after his death 1531 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Huldrych Zwingli . Luther and Calvin are widely known and their works widely available in English , Zwingli has not been so fortunate. The very few works of his which have been translated into English were all translated in the 19th century and exist today only in reprints of those editions. Readers unfamiliar with the First Reformer of Switzerland have a basis from which to understand him. Zwingli wrote in Latin and Swiss German (in its sixteenth century form).  ‘ Christ our Captain’ is a phrase which Zwingli used quite frequently to describe his understanding of both who Christ is and who Christians are in relation to him. Zwingli used the phrase ‘Christ our Captain’ in sermons, in letters, and in his theological books. By it he meant to imply that it is Christ who is our commander, our leader.  He issues the orders and we follow him. The Church is his ‘army’ in the sense that all in it are e