Predestination conversations are awkward according to RC Sproul
Nederlands: De Dordtse synode (1618). Gravure uit 1729 van B. Picart (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) But as you may know, there's no more surefire way to create awkward silence among family and friends than to say, "Hey everyone, let's talk about predestination ." We all know how offensive this doctrine is to the sensibilities of unbelievers and even believers. But I don't want you to have that awkwardness. I want you and me to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ . We need more than knowledge of the truth; we need to grow in the wisdom of speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). That's why you need to know and be prepared to communicate several things before talking about predestination. Imagine that this doctrine is as a beautiful painting. But before you can even begin to apply the paint, you need to have a canvas. Predestination is the paint. We don't begin with t...