
Showing posts with the label Temple tax

God's providence and a fish with a coin in its mouth

The Miraculous Draught of Fishes, 1515, one of the seven remaining Raphael Cartoons for tapestries. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In Matthew 17 we see an example of God's providence in action, in connection with a mundane event — the paying of the temple tax . Jesus , as the Son of God , was under no obligation to pay the tax. Yet in order to give no offense, He sent Peter to catch a fish in whose mouth was the required shekel . This brief account raises some questions: How did the shekel get into the mouth of the fish? How did Peter just “happen” to catch that fish and not another one nearby? It is possible that Jesus performed a miracle and created the coin out of nothing in the mouth of the fish. It is more likely, however, that it was a work of providence. Someone “accidentally” dropped a shekel into the sea. A particular fish grabbed it, and it stuck in its mouth. The fish swam to the exact spot where Peter cast his net and the fish was caught. None of these events was m

A fish supplied the half-shekel tax

JUDAEA, Bar Kochba Revolt. 132-135 CE. AR Sela – Tetradrachm (28mm, 14.07 g, 11h). Undated issue (year 3 - 134/5 CE). Temple facade, the Ark of the Covenant within; star above / Lulav with etrog. Mildenberg 85.12 (O127/R44´); Meshorer 233; Hendin 711. Near EF, toned, light deposits. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew 17:24–27 “Go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel” ( v. 27 ). Continuing His march southward to Jerusalem , Jesus returns to Capernaum , the home base for much of His ministry ( Matt.17:24 ; see 4:12–17 ). Here our Lord will give the fourth of His five major discourses (in chapter 18 ). Before Jesus does this, however, He discusses the temple tax . This passage likely takes place in Peter’s house, which is in Capernaum ( 8:5–17 ). We assume this to be the case because “the collectors of the half-shekel tax” approach the apostle outside the home to inquire of Jesus ( 17:24 ). First-cent

Day two of the last week of Christ's life

Jesus casting out the money changers from the Temple by Giotto, 14th century (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The sun rises just before 6:30 A.M. in Bethany , the small village on the southeastern slope of the Mount of Olives , just a mile and a half east of Jerusalem. It is Monday morning, March 30, A.D. 33. Jesus of Nazareth is staying in the humble home of his friends Martha (whose anxiety-driven hospitality had received his gentle rebuke), Mary (who chose the good portion), and Lazarus (whose body would still be in the grave apart from the wonder-working of the Christ). Just the day before — the first day of the last week of his life — Jesus had made his Triumphal Entry into the Holy City , riding on a donkey over a royal “red carpet” of palm branches and cloaks, hailed by his disciples and the Galilean pilgrims as the messianic king. But Monday would be different than Sunday. Jesus knew the heart of man (John 2:24–25). He knew the acclaim of the disciples and the crowd was built o