
Showing posts with the label The Normal Christian Life

John Calvin on how to live a holy daily life

Oil painting of a young John Calvin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Holiness consists in conformity to Christ . Calvin writes, "Because the Father has reconciled us to Himself in Christ, therefore He commands us to be conformed to Christ as to our pattern." Indeed, he continues, "Unless we ardently and prayerfully devote ourselves to Christ's righteousness we do not only faithlessly revolt from our Creator, but we also abjure Him as our Savior." This is strong language. The word  ardently  conveys the idea of eager zealousness, or as we might say today, "going all out" or "giving 100 percent." The word  abjure  means "to renounce strongly," as in Peter's third denial of the Lord when "he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, 'I do not know the man'" ( Matt. 26:74). Calvin leaves no room for a middle ground. Either we ardently pursue the example of Christ or else we strongly renounce Him by o