
Showing posts with the label They have pierced my hands and my feet

Does Psalm 22 have a problem?

Copia desde la Crucifixion dibujada hacia 1540 por Miguel Angel Buonarroti para Vittoria Colonna. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Psalm 22:1–31 The phrases of Psalm 22 have long been thought to be prophetic of Jesus ’ crucifixion. Even Jesus’ recitation of verse 1 while on the cross (see Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34 ) would have reminded people standing nearby of this psalm. They would have recalled phrases such as “they pierce my hands and my feet” (Psalm 22:16), “people stare and gloat over me” ( Psalm 22:17 ), and “they … cast lots for my garment” (Psalm 22:18). Some people have tried to cast doubt on the Messianic nature of this psalm and the gospel accounts by attacking the crucifixion story. For instance, an article in the Harvard Theological Review concluded many years ago that there was “astonishing little evidence that the feet of a crucified person were ever pierced by nails.” Instead, the article said, the victim’s hands and feet were tied to the cross by ropes. But archaeo