
Showing posts with the label Think About These Things

Our bodies follow our minds

Cover of Think About These Things Our bodies follow our minds. This is the consistent witness of Scripture, which always places mind before body. Throughout his life, the Christian is to be renewing his mind by the Word of God , to take it into captivity and bring it into conformity. As he does this, his words and his deeds, and even his thoughts , will necessarily follow. If there is any area where we let our bodies dictate our thoughts and our actions, it is here in the context of sexual purity , in those times when the body seems to cry out in dissatisfaction. When we wallow in sexual sin, we fill our minds with what is impure, as if Philippians 4 commands us to think about whatever is false, whatever is deplorable, whatever is unfair, whatever is impure, whatever is ugly, whatever is critical, if there is any depravity, if there is anything worthy of rebuke, we think about these things . And, not surprisingly, our bodies follow our minds. It is so much better to heed and to