Thomas Aquinas once was asked, "Thomas, do you think that Jesus enjoyed the beatific vision through his whole life?" Thomas said, "I don't know, but I'm sure that our Lord was able to see things that our sin keeps us from seeing." Remember that the promise of the vision of God in the Beatitudes is a promise made to whom? To the pure of heart. Beloved, the reason why you can't see God with your eyes is not because you have a problem with your optic nerve . What prevents us from seeing God is our heart, our impurity. But Jesus had no impurity, and Thomas said He was pure in heart, so obviously he had some experience of the beauty of the Father until that moment that my sin was placed upon him and the one who was pure was pure no more. And God cursed Him. It was as if there was a cry from heaven—excuse my language, but I can be no more accurate than to say—it was as if Jesus heard the words "God Damn You." Because that's what it m...