Books for Pastors
1993 reprint of Chafer's Systematic Theology (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The current issue of Preaching magazine has Albert Mohler ’s annual list of recommended books for pastors. There is a good mix of books here, though I suspect most pastors would take just about the whole year to get through the entire list! Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other by Sherry Turkle Christian Apologetics: Past and Present, Vol. 2 by William Edgar & K. Scott Oliphant The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way by Michael Horton Historical Theology: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine by Gregg R. Allison Lost in Translation: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood by Christian Smith, Kari Christofferson, Hilary Davidson , Patricia Snell Herzog A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New by G.K. Beale The Next ...