
Showing posts with the label Toronto

Jew law and the Gospel grace clash

Aparelho de ar condicionado (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Jewish law forbids work on the Sabbath, but the question that has always plagued law-keepers is this: what actually constitutes work? Many modern interpretations of the law state that using an electrical button on the Sabbath constitutes work. Pressing a button closes an electrical switch and the closing of the switch is interpreted as "building" a circuit. Any kind of building on the Sabbath is strictly forbidden by the law. For that reason, many of the apartment buildings in this area use a feature in their elevators known as " Shabbat [Sabbath] service." Sabbath service removes the need to press buttons. When the service is engaged, the elevator will either stop at every floor on both the way up and the way down, or it will rise to the top and then stop at every floor on the way down. In either case, the sanctity of the Sabbath is maintained. (Wikipedia's article on  Shabbat service  is fascinati

New legal defense fund supports parents’ fight against gay agenda, moral relativism in schools

 In a first for  Canada , a group of volunteers has set up a fund to help defray the legal costs of parents who, fed up with government and scho Image via Wikipedia ol board policies aimed at eradicating all traces of  Judeo-Christian  morality from the education system, are willing to launch  lawsuits  to defend their  parental rights  to be the primary moral educators of their children. “Recognizing that average families don’t have $100,000 sitting around to pay for lawsuits, we’ve started this defense fund to provide financial assistance to families whose parental rights have been violated,” Lou Iacobelli, member of the board of directors and spokesperson for The Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund (PREDF), told LifeSiteNews. “To succeed though, we need people of faith to do their part by donating what they can to make this strategy a reality.” The Fund was created to help parents fight back, in the courts, against what its founders call a “belligerent government ideology” be

Adultery Website

Image via Wikipedia “Monogamy, in my opinion, is a failed experiment.” That is the declaration of Noel Biderman , a Toronto businessman who wants to sell you an adulterous affair . As the current cover story of  Bloomberg Businessweek  reveals, Mr. Biderman is doing a great deal of business. The magazine describes as “the premier ‘dating’ website for aspiring adulterers.” Biderman says he came up with the idea after serving as an agent for professional athletes. That job required him to negotiate around the adulterous affairs of his clients. Biderman came to the conclusion that adultery could be big business. Now, Ashley Madison grosses $60 million in yearly revenue and produces $20 million in annual profits. Biderman himself is making millions of dollars a year, and adultery appears to be a growth industry. The idea behind Ashley Madison is easy enough to understand. Biderman’s plan was to create a website that would appear to cater to women seeking an adultero