Trauma is not a life sentence

Trauma is a certain kind of suffering — the kind that overwhelms one’s ability to cope. A whole class of wounds that cripple. A wound that buries itself deep in our consciousness. A tragedy too heavy for us. It happens in the past, but asserts itself over and over in the present. Sex, too early. Death, sudden. Violence, familiar. Betrayal, intimate. Neglect, prolonged. Violation, normalized. Abuse, excused. Pain, pervasive. The trauma of combat and the trauma of abuse have similarities, but are not the same. We are focusing here on trauma related to abuse which, despite often happening so close to home, requires wartime metaphors to make sense of the tumult in our minds and hearts. How do we faithfully navigate the overwhelming wounds and unpredictable triggers as believers? Trauma for Christians Some Christians have been trained to think that proper believers will not continue to experience traumatic symptoms for the rest of their lives because of Christ ...