
Showing posts with the label Treasury of Merit

Silly Canonization of popes recently

English: Council of Trent, detail: Allegory of the Roman Catholic Church. Santa Maria in Trastvere, Rome (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) I remain, even in these feel good days, a Protestant who still protests—the folly of the Roman Catholic church . Such can get you in great deal of hot water these days. Everyone wants to go along to get along. Trouble is, Rome still teaches a false gospel, still calls for the damnation of people like me who preach the true gospel. Now I am happy to confess that explaining the nuances that separate infusion from imputation, distinctions between justification and sanctification can require a bit of theological training and historical understanding. I’m sorry to confess that Christians generally have precious little of either. If we can’t see what the big deal is with a little contemporary modalism, if we want to open the tent wide to welcome in those nice Mormons , what chance do I have for making the case that Rome is outside the pale? Our ignorance