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Evangelism and nerves!

Your neighbor asks what you did over the weekend. You think to yourself,  Should I mention church? If I do, am I ready to share the gospel ? If I am, how do I get there? You know you should say something to your barber, or to the barista at your favorite coffee shop — something about Jesus , something about the gospel — but you feel stuck. Palms are getting sweaty. Guilt is circling like a bird of prey. You feel the window closing. I doubt many Christians need convincing from Scripture that we’re all called to evangelize, to proclaim the excellencies of Jesus ( 1 Peter 2:9–10). Evangelism is the simple and supernatural telling, pleading, and inviting of people to turn from sin, and to place their faith in the one crucified to pay for sin and reigning now over the whole universe. In evangelism, we are telling people to run to Jesus. But we often struggle with how to tell the good news, especially with where to start. One Question If you struggle to get the conversa