
Showing posts with the label UFO's

Who Was Ezekiel?

 “UFOs are real; they’re even talked about in the Bible!” Those words blew my thirteen-year-old mind when I heard them from my friend Jason. He and I would sometimes discuss many of the religious topics of concern to science-fiction-loving thirteen-year-old boys—you know, aliens, space travel, and so forth. Although I had attended church and Sunday school regularly since I was about seven, I had never heard this about UFOs before.  And where did Jason find accounts of humanity’s encounter with UFOs? In the book of Ezekiel, of course. After all, what else could explain the four-faced creatures and the eye-covered wheels within wheels that the prophet sees in the opening chapters of the book of Ezekiel? More than three decades have now passed since that eighth-grade conversation. If I ever really believed that Ezekiel saw UFOs, I don’t any longer. But that hasn’t stopped many others, often people outside the church, from posting on webpages and writing books about Ezekiel’s encounter wit