
Showing posts with the label United Nations

Is Steve Chalke saved or is he liberal?

In the second of the Steve Chalke vs Andrew Wilson debates, evangelicals are going to be shocked. Perhaps not surprised, but shocked nonetheless Chalke clearly states that he believes that God does not strike people down for sin. He claims that whenever this is reported by The Bible it either means that someone was mistaken about what they thought God was saying, or that the interpretation of the Bible writers of the event was just plain wrong. His logic for this was that if something else in the Bible was in his view inconsistent with how he believes Jesus is, that the Bible must be in error. This video is a train wreck. And it is abundantly clear by the end that whatever else he is, Steve Chalke is not an evangelical by any meaningful definition of the word. It is time he owned up to being a liberal or if he prefers “progressive” Christian. I am sure that his views would be more likely to be affirmed among people who own that label than among evangelicals. If we cannot trust the

How do you do evangelism in a multi-cultural country?

Sermon Mount Jesus Christ Mormon (Photo credit: More Good Foundation ) Every believer is called to preach the Gospel (Matt 28:18–20), but sometimes language barriers can get in the way. I have been finding this obstacle more and more frequently. As immigration increases, many cities find themselves resembling a mini- United Nations meeting. As immigrant communities become more entrenched, there is less and less incentive to learn English . As immigrants can work, shop, and watch TV that is all in their native language , the possibility of witnessing in a cogent way becomes impossible. Moreover, tracts in foreign languages are severely limited. Often they can come across as condescending, cartoon-illustrated, almost insulting attempts to communicate. By being so limited and simplistic, they can unintentionally give the impression that someone who speaks a foreign language is incapable of serious thought about God , sin, and the afterlife. So how can you give someone a gospel

Have 7 billion people heard the gospel?

Image via Wikipedia The world population will reach seven billion later this year, with increases in the number of people in Africa off-setting birth rate drops elsewhere, according to a new French study published Thursday. Looking much further ahead, the National Institute for Demographic Studies ( INED ) predicts a continuing rise in the overall population figures until the total stabilizes somewhere between nine and 10 billion worldwide by the end of the century. From six billion people, the figure estimated in 1999, the gap between the global birth and death rates has swiftly brought the total figure towards the next billion in just 12 years. INED expects it to take a further 14 years to reach eight billion people before the figures start stabilizing, according to the study which pulls together research carried out by the United Nations , the World Bank and several major national institutes. In historical terms the growth in the global population has been soaring since the