
Showing posts with the label Validus

Don't ask God for more time!

While busyness is categorically the norm for the vast majority of people in the Western world , the solution is never about having more time. We know this, but still we forget such an essential truth. People often say to me (and I’m guilty of saying it as well), “I wish there were more hours in the day; if only I had more time!” And why do we want more time? What would we do with it? We want more time to do the important things that aren’t getting done. This list might include time to rest, time to spend with God , or simply time to enjoy our families and loved ones. But let’s be honest with ourselves. What if God suddenly said, “I’m giving you one extra hour a day? You now have twenty-five hours in a day?” Or better yet, what if he decided to give us an eighth day of the week — which amounts to over three extra hours each day? How would you spend that time? Would you use it for an afternoon nap or to get caught up on last month’s expense report at the office? Would you use it for a