
Showing posts with the label Vancouver

Canadians outraged after obscene anti-Christian album receives government funds

Image via Wikipedia Canadian punk group “Living with Lions” has drawn outrage for its obscene anti-Bible artwork and representation of Jesus Christ on their new album – funded by the Canadian government . The album, entitled “Holy S—-,” is designed to look like a Bible, with black cover and gold writing, yellow, faded pages, and lyric layout similar to Bible verses .   It is subtitled, “The Poo Testament,” and represents Christ as excrement. The group’s project was funded by the Canadian government through the Foundation Assisting Canadian Talent on Recordings (FACTOR), a fact the band acknowledges on its back cover.  FACTOR approved a $13,248 grant to Black Box Recordings Inc. to assist the band’s recording. The Minister of Canadian Heritage expressed his astonishment and concern with the offensive album in comments to the  Vancouver Sun  today. “The content of this CD is offensive and the fact that that it is clearly designed to offend a group of Canadians based on their fai

The century of Disasters

Meltdowns. Floods. Tornadoes. Oil spills. Grid crashes. Why more and more things seem to be going wrong, and what we can do about it. By Joel Achenbach This will be the century of disasters. In the same way that the 20 th  century was the century of world wars, genocide, and grinding ideological conflict, the 21 st  will be the century of natural disasters and technological crises and unholy combinations of the two. It'll be the century when the things that we count on to go right will, for whatever reason, go wrong. Late last month, as the Mississippi River rose in what is destined to be  the worst flood in decades , and as the residents of Alabama and other states rummaged through the debris of  a historic tornado outbreak , physicists at a meeting in Anaheim, Calif., had a discussion about the dangers posed by the sun. Solar flares, scientists believe, are a disaster waiting to happen. Thus one of the sessions at the American Physical Society's annual meeting was devoted