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Have you heard of Jerome of Prague?

Image via Wikipedia In many respects, the life of Jerome of Prague paralleled that of his teacher and friend Jan Hus . Hus welcomed the writings of Wycliffe to Bohemia . There he preached reformation a century before Luther. Jerome was also convinced of the Wycliffian truths. At Hus's suggestion Jerome sailed to England and studied at Oxford, Wycliffe's old seat of learning. For the next several years, Jerome moved about a good deal, spreading reform doctrines in Paris , Jerusalem, Heidelberg, Vienna , Russia, Lithuania, Hungary and Cologne . In his native Bohemia he sided with nationalistic students. He denounced a bull proclaiming an indulgence for a crusade against Naples. When Hus was arrested by the Council of Constance , Jerome secretly followed, hoping to defend his friend. He discovered he could do nothing but was in great danger himself, and so he went to neighboring Idelberg and asked for safe conduct.  Unwilling to do nothing, he had placards posted throu