Review of The Voyage of the Dawn Trader

I loved the first two films adapted from C.S. Lewis ’ “The Chronicles of Narnia” series. They were both strong and brilliant. Both were big-budget, well crafted and well-received Hollywood movies that not only did justice to Lewis’ elaborate fantasy world but also captured the nuances of the Christian faith from which it grew. Such successful intermingling of deep belief and pop art is rare. Exactly how rare is proven by “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,” the third film in the franchise. Despite the addition of 3-D, the magic was diminished, leaving little more than a rush of adventuresome busyness, though enjoyable but still not quite right. It was enjoyable as a 3D movie but it came across as a very simple story on morals. More frustrating is the fact that Lewis has been lost. What was a probing, theological narrative from one of the great Christian thinkers has been reduced to a childish morality play. “The Voyage of the ...