
Showing posts with the label Washing

Where did Baptism com

In the New Testament and across Christian tradition, baptism signals at least three realities: Identification with Christ in his life, death, and resurrection (Romans 6:3–4; Colossians 2:12) Purification from sin and its effects, which have separated us from our Maker (Acts 22:16) Incorporation into the body of Christ, the church (Acts 2:41; 1 Corinthians 12:13) Given these connotations, and given the assumption that Christian baptism is new with John the Baptist’s initiation — a baptism received by Christ at the beginning of his earthly ministry to signal its inauguration and association with the dawn of the new covenant — how does Christian baptism relate to Old Testament practices? Where did the idea of baptism come from? After overviewing the meaning of Christian baptism, this article seeks to briefly explore the connections between baptism and Old Testament ritual washings. Buried and Raised with Christ When considering the meaning of baptism, it is essential to distinguish the wo

Walking in God's will

Christ Washing the Feet of the Apostles by Meister des Hausbuches, 1475 (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin). (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God .” Psalm 143:10 We should always be grateful for God’s clear instructions for successful living and for revealing how we can gain a glorious eternity with Him. Yet simply reading and understanding God’s will for us isn’t enough. We must also choose in obedience to follow it—and that’s the difficult part. So often, we are too headstrong to submit. The mother of a strong-willed four-year-old once said to her daughter, “Now, Cathy, you’re just going to have to obey me. I’m your boss, and I have the responsibility to lead you. That’s just what I intend to do.” Little Cathy thought for a minute, and then replied, “How long does it have to be that way?” Even at age four, this child was already yearning to forge her own path. Most of us were just as determined when we were kids. It’s vital that your sons and daughters l

Serve each other

Christ washing the feet of the Apostles, by Giotto di Bondone (Cappella Scrovegni a Padova) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet , you also should wash one another’s feet.” John 13:14 Husband, we’re speaking especially to you tonight. Just as selfishness is a sure marriage killer, an attitude of service and sacrifice—the “I’m Third” philosophy—is an indisputable marriage builder. We urge you to study your wife . What is it that speaks to her heart? Are you providing that for her? Would she appreciate help with the dishes, vacuuming, or changing the baby’s diaper? Should you be more romantic? Could you put off that weekend auto show so she can visit her sister? Maybe you’d rather go fishing on Saturday, but should you watch the kids instead so your wife can have a needed day out? Jesus gave us a classic example of service when He washed His disciples’ feet and told them to do the same for one another. Is it time for some symbolic