
Showing posts with the label Weight

What is the glory (kabod) of God?

2 CORINTHIANS 4:17 "This light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison." Scripture places a high value on God 's glory, and it is not hard to figure out why. Since the inherent glory of the Lord is something that He will not share with others (Isa. 42:8), we know that His glory is something that He prizes highly; indeed, He prizes it more highly than anything else. We should, therefore, set the glory of God as the goal and overarching emphasis of our lives. Whatever we lose for the sake of making the Lord's glory known will be worth it when we see the dazzling light and beauty of; the divine glory (28:5; Rev. 21:23). Glory has to do with light and beauty, but those aspects do not sum up what the Bible means when it speaks of the glory of God. Interestingly, the Hebrew word kabod , which is translated into English as "glory," has the root meaning of "weight" or "heaviness."

God weighs the atmosphere

Image via Wikipedia "For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure." ( Job 28:24-25 )   It was only discovered by scientists in modern times that the air actually has weight. This passage in Job, however, written thirty-five or more centuries ago, indicated that the two great terrestrial fluids of air and water forming earth's atmosphere and hydrosphere are both "weighed" by God 's careful "measure" to provide the right worldwide balance of forces for life on earth.   Another remarkable "weighing" act of God is noted in  Job 37:16 . "Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds , the wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge?"  Clouds are composed of liquid drops of water, not water vapor, and water is heavier than air , so how are they "balanced" in the sky? "For he maketh small the drops of water