
Showing posts with the label Well-Tempered Clavier

Bach believed in Christ

Image via Wikipedia Johann Sebastian Bach believed in the resurrection. The "crucifixus" of his  Mass in B minor  ended with low register voices to suggest Christ going down into the grave and the next chorus breaks forth in joy to express resurrection.  Bach's music went through a resurrection of its own. Virtually forgotten at his death, the bulk of his work lay neglected for almost a century. Fish vendors in the market wrapped their ware in Bach manuscripts. Bach's life was defined by poverty . But in music he poured out wealth. Every form he touched, he improved. He perfected the "well-tempered" scale which by dividing every octave into twelve equal distances allowed any key on the organ to start a scale. His keyboard technique used all five fingers where three had been the norm.  The Well-Tempered Clavier   and  Art of the Fugue  trained musicians such as Beethoven. Beethoven remarked: "He should not be called Bach (brook) but Meer (sea)." E