Shocking News: Jesus want me to forgive my brother how many times?
Matthew 18:21–35 “So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart” ( v. 35 ). A discussion of church discipline must recognize two errors often made in the interpretation of Matthew 18:15–20 . First, we err if we divorce the church’s authority from its biblical basis, since this inevitably exalts church tradition above Scripture and binds people to confess many unbiblical doctrines. Yet as the Westminster Confession of Faith aptly states, church authority is inseparable from the Word of God , which alone binds the conscience absolutely (1.10). Scripture, and the events it records, establishes the church; therefore, Scripture stands in authority over the church. Church decisions bind only when they are biblical; to violate God’s Word for tradition’s sake is evil ( Matt. 15:1–9 ). The second error thinks 18:20 guarantees Jesus ’ approval of anything two or more believers agree upon in prayer. However, the verse’s context...