How does God judge the unrepentant dead?

Jesus’ death on the cross constitutes God ’s judgment on the sin of the world. This judgment is effective for sinners who repent and believe in Jesus as Israel ’s Messiah and Savior of the world . The day of judgment on which God will judge all human beings will take place at Jesus’ second coming. Jesus, Paul, and John agree on this “date” of the day of judgment. John’s description is complex. While he leaves no doubt that Jesus’ coming as Judge brings God’s judgment on the unrepentant, he refers to the judgment of the righteous only in connection with Jesus’ return and the one-thousand-year period in which the resurrected saints reign with Jesus Christ . John describes two judgment scenes, which are best interpreted as two different judgments: the judgment of the unrepentant on the day of judgment at Jesus’ second coming (Rev. 19:11–21) and the judgment of the dead before God’s great white throne at the end of the millennium (20:11–15). The unrepentant dead are judged again beca...