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Theological drift from latitudinarianism

Rev. Jonathan Edwards, a leader of the Great Awakening, is still remembered for his sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) When Jonathan Edwards was turning thirteen and ready to go off to college, his father had a difficult decision to make. Jonathan's father, Timothy Edwards, was an alumnus of Harvard.  But, his alma mater was already showing signs of drifting away from its original commitment to orthodoxy. In those days they called it "latitudinarianism," as in professors were granted "latitude" in their commitment to the Westminster Standards . No, Harvard would not do for young Jonathan. Instead, Timothy chose the up-start college then known simply as the College of Connecticut. It would soon be renamed Yale University .  Yale was born in 1701, two years prior to the birth of Jonathan Edwards. Its original charter declared: WHEREAS several well disposed, and Publick spirited Persons of their sincere