
Showing posts with the label Women's health

Hating science loving murder

Anniversary of Roe v. Wade (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) It is hard to fully comprehend how deluded our political and legal culture is over the issue of abortion. The United States in many ways has become a culture of death—a culture that embraces a mother’s murder of a child as a right, and then defends that right at all costs and against all logic. Here are three examples of that. Colorado —where murdering a baby is not crime: Last month a pregnant woman was attacked by a stranger, and her baby was cut out of her womb. The details to the crime are horrific ( here is the CNN story , which is graphic and will not easily get out of your mind). The mom was in her eighth month of pregnancy, her baby was named Aurora, and Aurora did not survive. Prosecutors in Colorado were considering charging the attacker with murder for Aurora’s death, but they came under intense political pressure from “women’s rights” groups not to, just as the media came under pressure to not use Auror