
Showing posts with the label World Vision International

Should Richard Stearns CEO of World Vision resign because of his position on homosexual marriage?

Cover via Amazon Last weeks gay-marriage flop-flip with World Vision did not come out of left field. ( Monday  they announced that a monogamous homosexual relationship was in-step with Christian faithfulness, and  on Wednesday  they said ‘ummm…nevermind; sorry about that’).  But this was a  schisim  that was a long time coming, and illustrates a profound danger inherent in mercy ministries that are not built upon a theological foundation. It was about a year ago when Richard Stearns , the World Vision president,   spoke at Q . There he urged the attendees to stop engaging in cultural battles, and in context the taboo issues were abortion and gay marriage. In fact, he said younger Christians “need to stop shaking their fist at the culture” and then later, “no one ever died from gay marriage…they die from poverty.”  The implication being that what really matters is not one’s doctrine of marriage (or of life, or of Scripture), but one’s track record with the poor.  Stearns

World Vision and Homosexuality

Have you ever wondered why religious bookstores, Christian schools , and other religious organizations are allowed to discriminate based on religion in their hiring? Why is it legal for a radio station, or a charity, or a halal butcher to only employ those of like faith? The answer goes back to a legal right enshrined by World Vision , and a right that World Vision last week considered leveraging to advance the same-sex agenda in the United States . World Vision is one of the world’s largest aide organizations, and annually distributes hundreds of millions of dollars worth of material support globally. Many believers know them through their Story Concert Tour, or through their child sponsorship programs. Last week World Vision made the news when they  announced  that they were changing their employment policy to declare that a person can be a committed evangelical Christian, and yet be involved in a homosexual relationship (they then  reversed their decision  24 hours later). Thi

Do Christians hate homosexuals?

English: Pagans kill Christians in Pliska. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) QUESTION : One conservative Christian recently wrote that in the battle for traditional marriage , “ Christians too often chose intolerance over charity when it came to how they treated gays.” Have we, as Christians, demonstrated a lack of love for gay people? ANSWER: No, we’ve been falsely accused of showing a lack of charity and a lack of love because that was very convenient to the arguments of the other side, a very effective tool. In fact, the overwhelming majority of people of all faiths who’ve been involved in the protection of marriage have gone out of their way, to proclaim the truth that all men and woman are precious. Human beings have a profound and inherent dignity, an equal dignity, as creatures made in the very image and likeness of the Divine Creator and Ruler of the Universe. This has never been something hidden. It has been frequently affirmed and re-affirmed, yet there are those who wish t